POSTED JULY 15, 2022
On July 13, 2022, we posted a letter from Russ Shewchuk, International Vice President, to Members of IBEW Local 258 announcing an election protest. We have received a number of enquiries and provide the following response:
The Local Union Election Guide – Canada states the following:
Protest of Election
Protests prior to the election should be filed with the election judge first, if one has been appointed, and then, if not resolved satisfactorily, with the International Vice President.
Any member, including a defeated candidate, may challenge an election by filing a written protest with the International Vice President. The protest must be filed within 30 days of the certification of the election results by the election judge and shall specify the alleged violations of the election rules provided by the IBEW Constitution or the local union bylaws. The International Vice President will investigate all such protests and render a decision in an expeditious manner. The decision of the International Vice President is considered final. Protests of elections are not considered charges against officers.
Investigation Update:
Adam Van Steinburg, International Representative, is currently conducting the investigation. His report will be sent to Russ Shewchuk, International Vice President for a decision. Once the decision has been made the Membership will be informed.
In Solidarity,
Tony Brand
Election Judge