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Local 258 IBEW and Teck Resources Sign MOU Establishing Project Labour Agreement for Highland Valley Copper Mine Extension and Expansion Project
Posted On: Nov 14, 2024

November 14, 2024

Local 258 IBEW and Teck Resources Sign MOU Establishing Project Labour Agreement for Highland Valley Copper Mine Extension and Expansion Project

Langley, BC — Local 258 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Teck Resources Limited, establishing a Project Labour Agreement for the Life of Mine Extension and Expansion Project at Teck’s Highland Valley Copper Mine. 

The MOU includes Teck’s commitment to hiring and training qualified members of Indigenous Governments and Organizations (IGOs), including the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly, Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council, Lower Nicola Indian Band, Stk’emlupsemc te Secwepemc Nation, and Upper Nicola Indian Band.

Under the PLA, Local 258 IBEW, Teck, and their partners will establish processes to support a healthy, safe, and respectful work environment. The agreement aims to mitigate labour risks, maintain productive working conditions, and ensure contractor success. 

“We are excited to work with Teck Resources on this project extending the life of the Highland Valley Copper Mine,” said Cody Gatzke, Business Manager for Local 258 IBEW. “We recognize the importance of Teck’s mining operations to the local community and economy. Extending the life of the mine will ensure good paying jobs and economic opportunities for the region.”

About Local 258 IBEW:

Local 258 IBEW represents over 4000 electrical workers across British Columbia in the utility, independent power production, power line construction, arboriculture, civil/underground construction, manufacturing and traffic control industries. By partnering with organizations like Teck, Local 258 ensures that infrastructure projects not only succeed but also benefit local communities and support sustainable employment.

About Teck Resources Limited:

Teck is a diversified resource company with significant copper and zinc operations. Committed to responsible resource development, Teck integrates community engagement, environmental stewardship, and safety into all aspects of its operations. The Highland Valley Copper Mine Extension and Expansion Project represents a major investment in the long-term sustainability of British Columbia’s mining industry.

Media Contact: 

Cody Gatzke, 

Business Manager and Financial Secretary 

Local 258 IBEW

  • Local 258 IBEW

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