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Officers & Staff
Business Manager and Financial Secretary
Cody Gatzke


(604) 515-3240

Cody serves the membership of Local 258 IBEW as the Business Manager and Financial Secretary of the Union. The Business Manager is the principal officer of the Local Union and is responsible for managing the day to day operations. The Business Manager is also a delegate to the International Convention. Cody serves as the Chair of the Health and Welfare Trust and serves as a Director of the Joint Line Apprenticeship Training Association (JLATA). 

Local 258's bylaws stipulates that the offices of Business Manager and Financial Secretary are to be combined. The Financial Secretary is responsible for keeping books and records of the Local Union; collecting monies and turning said monies over to the Treasurer; keeping records of all members; and remitting per capita and pension payments to the International Secretary Treasurer. 

Cody is a Red Seal Power Line Technician and prior to working full time for Local 258, Cody worked for various Line Contractors and for BC Hydro. Cody was first initiated to Local 258 in 2009 when he was hired by a power line contractor. Cody left Local 258 in early 2012 and worked outside of BC for a power line contractor. Cody returned to Local 258 in 2013 and continued to work for various power line contractors. In 2016, Cody accepted employment with BC Hydro Construction Services. Cody left Construction Services in 2021 after accepting a district position in Lillooet, BC.

Senior Assistant Business Manager
Jim Greenwell


(604) 515-3241

Jim Greenwell works closely with the Union’s Business Manager and Assistant Business Managers. Jim assists with providing services to members in all capacities. Jim is a trustee of the Health and Welfare plan, serves as a Director for the Joint Line Training Association (JLATA), and sits on the BC Hydro Pension Plan Consultative Committee. Jim works full time out of the Union Hall in Langley, BC. Jim was initiated to Local 258 in 1975 and started working full time for Local 258 as an Assistant Business Manager in 1993.

Before commencing employment with Local 258, Jim was employed by BC Hydro as a Red Seal Electrician. 

Assistant Business Manager
Colin Petersen


(778) 800-2539

Colin Petersen represents members of Unit 3 working at BC Hydro and Private Line Contractor companies in the Okanagan, Kootenays and Southern Interior.

Aside from his ABM duties, Colin has also taken on the role of Safety Advisor, in which he acts as a liaison with the IBEW International Office on all safety-related issues, ensuring that Local 258 members and their employers are compliant with all workplace safety requirements, procedures, and regulations. Colin is responsible for oversight of the BC Hydro Safety Practices Committee, and is a point of contact for employers and members to report workplace accidents.

Colin was initiated to Local 258 in 1990. Before commencing employment with Local 258, he was employed by BC Hydro as a Red Seal Power Line Technician and then as a PLT Trades Training Instructor. Colin has also completed the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program (PIDP).

As a representative of Local 258, Colin served on the Safety Practices Committee, attended various IBEW Safety Conferences, and served our members as a Shop Steward.

Assistant Business Manager
Rob Munro


(778) 800-2559

Rob Munro represents members of Unit 4, which consists of Vancouver Island. Rob also represents members who work with Asplundh, Davey Tree, Code Manufacturing & Code Electric. Rob works full time from the Union Hall in Langley, BC. Rob was initiated to Local 258 in 2006 and started working full time for Local 258, as an Organizer in 2019 and soon after was promoted to Assistant Business Manager. 

Before commencing employment with Local 258, Rob was employed by BC Hydro as a Red Seal Heavy Duty Mechanic and worked in Surrey Garage. Rob also served as a Shop Steward and Unit 6 Chair. 

Assistant Business Manager
Ken Mitchell


(604) 515-3246

Ken Mitchell represents members in the lower mainland working for Line Contractors, BC Hydro for Line (District, Transmission, Construction Services), and Cable. Ken also represents members employed by Coast Mountain Hydro and FB Bullet. Ken serves as a trustee for the Health and Welfare plan.

Ken was initiated to Local 258 in 2009 and prior to working full time for Local 258, Ken was employed by BC Hydro as a Power Line Technician. Ken completed his apprenticeship through BC Hydro and holds a Red Seal Power Line Technician ticket.

Assistant Business Manager
Jag Aujla


(778) 800-2218

Jag Aujla represents members in the lower mainland working at BC Hydro for the following departments: Stations, Generation, Fraser Valley Operations, Meter Shop, and Construction Services (Civil, Electrical, and Winders).

Jag was initiated to Local 258 in 2008 and prior to working full time for Local 258, Jag was employed at BC Hydro first as an Electrician and then as a Trades Training Instructor. Jag holds a Red Seal Electrician ticket along with a FSR Class A certification. Jag has completed the provincial instructor diploma program (PIDP) at Vancouver Community College.

Assistant Business Manager
Dayna Gill


(604) 515-3243

Dayna Gill represents members working in Traffic Control throughout British Columbia. Dayna also assists with Organizing & Membership Development. Dayna serves as the Chair of the Local 258 IBEW Women’s Committee. Dayna was initiated to Local 258 in 2015 and worked in the traffic control industry before working full time with Local 258. 

Assistant Business Manager
Ben Berkelaar


(778) 800-2348

Ben Berkelaar represents all members in the Central Interior, Northern Interior, Northwest and Northeast and NIA (Unit 1 and Unit 2) for BC Hydro and Contractors. He also represents apprentices from all trade groups across BC as the IBEW 258 Apprentice coordinator, supporting the A&TTC subcommittees and apprentices.

Ben was initiated to Local 258 in 1994 and prior to working full time for Local 258, he was employed by BC Hydro as a Power Line Technician Trades Training Project Coordinator (Foreperson) and was an IBEW Representative on the A&TTC subcommittee for the APLTs.

Ben completed his apprenticeship through BC Hydro, holds a Red Seal Power Line Technician ticket, has a PID in Adult Education, a PID in Online Virtual Training, and a BSC from the University of Victoria. 

Assistant Business Manager
Marina Luporini


(604) 515-3242

Marina Luporini represents members employed in Electrical Manufacturing (except Code Electric & Code Manufacturing) throughout British Columbia. Marina manages employer relations with our signatory Traffic Control Employers. Marina serves as the Co-Chair of the Local 258 IBEW Women’s Committee

Noel Johnston


(604) 524-3547

Noel Johnston works as the Local Unions Dispatcher. Dispatch hours are from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. Noel is a Red Seal Power Line Technician. Noel was initiated with Local 258 in 1993 and has worked for a variety of line contractors and BC Hydro. Noel started working full time for Local 258 in 2020. 

Business Representative
Emily Organ


(778) 800-2379

Emily Organ works full time at the Local 258 Union Hall, handling both internal Human Resources and Communications-related duties. She manages the IBEW 258 website, designs and edits the Hotline magazine, and manages all social media platforms.

Emily graduated from the University of the Fraser Valley in 2023 with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Human Resource Management.

Kevin Duchak


(604) 240-2058

Kevin is the elected President of Local 258. Kevin also serves as the Chair of the Executive Board and is a delegate to the International Convention. The President appoints all committee members after consultation with the Business Manager. The President is responsible for oversight of the books and accounts of Local 258. 

Kevin works full time for BC Hydro as a Safety Advocate. Kevin was initiated to Local 258 in 1989 and prior to working as a Safety Advocate, Kevin worked as a Power Cable Technician (formerly Cable Splicer) and as a Red Seal Power Line Technician. Kevin also serves the membership as a Shop Steward.

Vice President
Jim Greenwell


(604) 515-3241

Jim is the elected Vice President of the Local Union. The Vice President assists the President and fills the President's position when the President is absent.

Larry Byhre


(604) 520-3305

Larry is the elected Treasurer of Local 258. The Treasurer is responsible for receiving monies from the Financial Secretary and depositing said monies into a bank account registered with the Local Union. The Treasurer makes all disbursements of the Local Union upon a signed warrant from the President and Recording Secretary. The Treasurer also prepares an itemized financial statement to the Local Union.

Larry was initiated to Local 258 in 1977 and worked for BC Hydro as a Red Seal Electrician and as a Safety Advocate. Larry retired from BC Hydro in 2022. 

Recording Secretary
Karen Porter


(604) 520-3305

Karen is the elected Recording Secretary for Local 258. The Recording Secretary is responsible for keeping correct minutes of each meeting of the Local Union; answering all correspondence; signing the warrant for payment of authorized expenditures; and other duties as directed by the Local Union President.

Karen was initiated to Local 258 in 1993 and is a Red Seal Electrician who works full time for BC Hydro in Williston Substation in Prince George, BC. 

Unit 1 Chair and Executive Board
Corey Higgins


Unit 2 Chair and Executive Board
Lianne Bunting


Unit 3 Chair and Executive Board
Dean Kotaras


Unit 4 Chair and Executive Board
Lloyd Clark


Unit 5 Chair and Executive Board
Mike McMinn


Unit 6 Chair and Executive Board
Jordan Flanagan


Dues Department and Member Services
Shila Stewart

(604) 515-3530

Shila is an employee of Local 258 who works in the Dues Department. Shila is responsible for allocating the dues that Local 258 receives. Shila also provides a wide range of administrative services for the members of Local 258. Shila is a member of a union called MoveUp and works under a collective agreement.

Administrative Assistant and Member Services
Tracey Tilsley

(778) 800-2534

Tracey is an employee of Local 258 who works as an Administrative Assistant. Tracey provides a wide range of administrative services for the members of Local 258. Tracey is a member of a union called MoveUp and works under a collective agreement.

Finance Department
Paula Bawa

(604) 515-3247

Paula is an employee of Local 258 who works in the Finance Department. Paula is responsible for payroll; receiving payment from Local 258's tenants; processing payment for all expenditures; assisting the Treasurer; and assisting the Financial Secretary. Paula is a member of a union called MoveUp and works under a collective agreement.

Reception and Member Services
Helen Martell

(604) 520-3305

Helen is an employee of Local 258 who works at the Reception desk. Helen provides a wide range of administrative services for the members of Local 258. Helen is a member of a union called MoveUp and works under a collective agreement.

  • Local 258 IBEW

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