Established through the granting of an International Charter in 1967, Local 258 IBEW is structured according to geographic location:
Unit 1 - Terrace, BC (North Coast)
The North Coast covers members living in the geographic area from Burns Lake to the west and north of Bella Coola, including Haida Gwaii. Unit 1 meetings take place in Smithers, Terrace, Prince Rupert and Massett. Unit 1 is currently represented by Assistant Business Manager Ben Berkelaar.
Unit 2 - Prince George, BC (Central Interior)
The Central Interior covers members living in the geographic area of Vanderhoof and north of 100 Mile House, including Bella Coola. Unit 2 meetings take place in Prince George, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Hudsons Hope, Fort Nelson, Quesnel, Williams Lake, Bella Coola and 100 Mile House. Unit 2 is currently represented by Assistant Business Manager Ben Berkelaar.
Unit 3 - Vernon, BC (Southern Interior)
The Southern Interior geographic area covers members living in the Southern Interior of British Columbia, east from Bridge River and south of 100 Mile House, including the Kootenays. Unit 3 meetings take place in Bridge River, Kamloops, Vernon, Revelstoke, Mica, Castlegar, Trail, Cranbrook and Invermere. Unit 3 is currently represented by Assistant Business Manager Colin Petersen.
Unit 4 - Nanaimo, BC (Vancouver Island)
This geographic area covers members living on Vancouver Island. Unit 4 meetings take place in Victoria, Ganges, Duncan, Qualicum, Port Alberni, Nanaimo, Port Hardy, Courtenay and Campbell River. Unit 4 is currently represented by Assistant Business Manager Rob Munro.
Unit 5 - Burnaby, BC (Greater Vancouver)
The Greater Vancouver geographical area covers members living on the Sunshine Coast and in the Lower Mainland north of the Fraser River to Powell River and east to the Pitt River. Unit 5 meetings take place in Burnaby, Sechelt and Powell River. Unit 5 is currently represented by Assistant Business Manager Ken Mitchell.
Unit 6 - Surrey, BC (Fraser Valley)
The Fraser Valley geographic area covers members living in the Fraser Valley and the Lower Mainland south of the Fraser River and east from Pitt Meadows to Hope. Unit 6 meetings take place in Langley and Chilliwack. Unit 6 is currently represented by Senior Assistant Business Manager Jim Greenwell.
Each Unit is comprised of 5 Executive members who are elected by the membership and include a Chair, Vice-Chair, Unit Recorder and two Executive Members. Click here for a list of current elected members. Each Unit Executive is responsible for conducting the official business of the Union in their geographic area and for developing policies that are forwarded to Local 258's Executive Board for determination. The Unit Executive is subordinate to the Local 258 Executive Board, and all positions are elected by the membership every four years.
The Local 258 IBEW Executive Board consists of the Local Union President and six Unit Chairs who function as the Executive Board members. Local 258's Executive Board is responsible for formulating Local 258 policies and overseeing the business of the Union.