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About Local 258 IBEW

Local 258 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) is a labour union that represents about 4,000 workers in the Electric Utility, Private Power Line, Utility Arborist/Tree Trimming, Manufacturing and Traffic Control industries across the province of British Columbia and in the Yukon Territory.

Workers become members of Local 258 IBEW when they begin their employment with one of our signatory employers. You can also apply for membership with Local 258 IBEW if you have a skilled trade or are considering a career, an apprenticeship or skilled trades training in one of the industries we represent - find our IBEW Member application here. If together with your co-workers you would like to enjoy the benefits and gains of having an IBEW collective agreement in your workplace, please contact our Organizer for more information.

Members of Local 258 IBEW enjoy decent wages, good benefit packages and working conditions, including pensions or RRSP contributions that provide for retirement with dignity. We are able to make these achievements through collective bargaining. Members are also provided high quality Union representation and services in their workplaces that enforce the collective agreement and labour laws. Together, we are stronger as a group than if each of us tried to secure and enforce these workplace gains individually. 

Our rights as a trade Union are protected by both Canadian and British Columbian laws – our members have the right to representation by their Union in their workplaces to ensure the gains achieved through freely negotiated collective agreements are protected and enforced.

Local 258 IBEW was chartered in 1967 in Vancouver and our Union Hall is located in Langley, British Columbia. We are part of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers that represents about 750,000 active workers and retirees in both Canada and the United States. IBEW members work in a variety of fields, including electric utility (both public and private), construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government.

Local 258 IBEW is affiliated to the BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress. Our members also represent our Union at many Labour Councils throughout British Columbia.

Our membership supports numerous charitable organizations, including the United Way, the MS Society of Canada and the Vancouver General/UBC Hospital Foundation Burn & Wound Research Unit. We also support our members with an annual education scholarship, ongoing training opportunities, and by supporting donation requests to organizations our members are directly involved/associated with, as we do our part to help build strong communities.

If you think you and your co-workers could benefit from quality representation in the workplace and membership with Local 258 of the IBEW, please contact our Organizer for more information.

Apr 01, 2023
At the time of the amalgamation of the BC Electric and the BC Power Commission into the BC Hydro and Power Authority, by legislation in 1961, five IBEW Local Unions held Collective Agreements covering wages and conditions of the employees of these two companies. They were Local Union 213 in the Lower Mainland, Local Union 230 on Vancouver Island, Local Union 344 on the North Coast, Local Union 993 in Kamloops and the Central Interior and Local Union 821 in Vernon.
Apr 01, 2023
Established through the granting of an International Charter in 1967, Local 258 IBEW is structured according to geographic location: Unit 1 - Terrace, BC (North Coast) The North Coast covers members living in the geographic area from Burns Lake to the west and north of Bella Coola, including Haida Gwaii. Unit 1 meetings take place in Smithers, Terrace, Prince Rupert and Massett.
Apr 01, 2023
Unit Executive Members, elected every four years, conduct Unit Meetings (Union member meetings) in their geographic area on a regular basis  (see Unit Meetings calendar).  Find out more about the Local 258 IBEW Unit Structure here.
Apr 01, 2023
A UNION OF PROFESSIONALS Unions come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes there can be more than one Union representing workers who do different jobs in a workplace. All Unions have the best interests of their members at heart, but beyond that there are often significant differences in philosophy and approach.
Apr 01, 2023
Local 258 IBEW Signatory Employers Local 258 IBEW members have the benefit of negotiated collective agreements with the following employers in British Columbia: Electric Utility BC Hydro - Crown Corporation public utility with multiple headquarters located throughout the province.
Apr 01, 2023
It was November 28th, 1891, when ten men, representing 286 electrical workers, formed the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. They had one objective: to make life better for themselves, their families, and those around them. Eight years later, the national union became international when the first Canadian IBEW local was established in Ottawa on December 20th, 1899. Today, the IBEW represents more than 750,000 active members and retirees throughout North America. Members work in various sectors including utility, construction, maintenance, manufacturing, communications, railroads, shipyards, mining, government, and many more.
Apr 02, 2023
Local 258 has been a force in British Columbia's life since its chartering in 1967. The local represents members in the utility, outside line, manufacturing, utility arborist and traffic control industries throughout the nearly 365,000-square-mile province. About half of Local 258 members are employed by BC Hydro, the province's publicly-owned utility.

Page Last Updated: Apr 07, 2023 (13:36:00)
  • Local 258 IBEW

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